Raise your hand if you're SOOOOOOOO excited to send your littles back to school!! MEEEEE! ok, not really. My kids have been in a summer care program all summer since I got my big girl job. Heh.
Olivia begins FOURTH grade and Sophia will go to the k3 at Olivia's old school. Exciting, eh? I'm trying to figure out how on EARTH I'm going to get up, ready, and out the door for work, and delivering the kids to two different places... across town from each other.... on time. Luckily, my job is pretty flexible and so... maybe.. not too much pressure.
Ready? OK!
Jessica from Tupperware with Jessica is sponsoring this AWESOME give away!! :) I'm super excited for y'all (and me!) because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the old tupperware stuff my Grandmas own and the new lines are starting to really look like the old stuff! So pretty much.. I want it all. :) Don't you?
You can win THESE fabulous items!!
These side-by-sides are fab for pre-school size lunches or bigger kids snacks. They're adorable, dishwasher safe, and of course, amazing quality since they're made by Tupperware.
Then there is this, lunch n dish + cold cup! I love this- I'm already envisioning sending chili for lunch- Olivia LOVES chili! :) This is microwave safe, too, so perfect for us working mamas to take ourselves!
All of this can be YOURS! And, for one lucky winner, it will be!
If you want to see what other amazing, fabulous, totally retro-ish lunch and kitchen supplies Tupperware has to offer- you can do so here- Jessica's Tupperware Storefront. The side-by-sides are only available through August 9, so if you really want one (who doesn't!), order while you can! If you win, you'll just end up with an extra set and who knows- you could use them, gift them, donate them, or host your own give away on YOUR bento blog. :) Super fun stuff!
The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter on Friday, August 9th! Good Luck and Happy Bento-ing!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway