
29 December 2011

New Years Resolutions

I feel like making resolutions can have positive & negative outcomes. If you set goals, you're more likely to reach them. If you don't, you feel more like a failure.

This year I will reach ALL of my goals. I can SEE myself in these actions, therefore I will DO them. What are your new years resolutions?

1. complete my daily bootycall & afternoon cardio (if you're not sure what a bootycall is, check out TONE IT UP)

2. eat more raw foods & continue to cut refined sugars & starches

3. complete the DIY projects I started in 2011 (kitchen chairs, jelly cabinet)

4. ab definition

5. be able to run 5k by june & 10 miles (or even a half marathon) by december 1, 2012.

6. purge the house & maintain low clutter!

7. try a new food every month (I started to say every week but sometimes we're just SO busy- but we will try more than one a month! Just don't want to set us up for failure before we can even start!)

8. spend more time without electronics!

9. use my camera more. the d7000, not the iphone or point and shoot. I don't really count the nikon as an 'electronic' since I can't use it for social media.

10. attend a weekly exercise class- yoga, spinning, etc.


  1. If I had to guess, the hardest for you are going to be No. 6 (two kids = clutter), and No. 8.(We are all attached to the hip to our electronics.)

  2. Holy heaven!!!
    I am OVERLY excited about your new blog.
    I just love you dear.


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