
31 January 2013

Make Your Own Bento Thursday!

Anyone that knows me knows I really, really dislike cleaning the kitchen. Ok, well, I really dislike cleaning ANYTHING. So this morning when I woke up to my disaster of a kitchen that has needed to be cleaned for TWO days... I decided to let Olivia make her own lunch. This worked out quite well, because she was super excited to make her own lunch, and I had the kitchen cleaned before Andy & Sophia woke up. I also had a cup of coffee ready and waiting for my husband when he came in to the living room. Its the little things like that, that let him know I'm thinking of him. :)

Enough mush, on to lunch!

Olivia had a blast. The first thing she did was choose her picks. This was a big task- we have TWO tackle boxes full of picks. Sometimes... I think I might be a bento hoarder. Naaaahhhhhh.

She was seriously having so much fun. 

What happens when you let an 8 year old pack her own lunch.... she includes her Daddy's superbowl sunday little debbie treats (first time these have been in our house in YEARS!).

Time to strike a pose with her bento! She said its a Star Wars Valentines Superbowl Hotdog Dolphin kind of day. :D

Maybe we will make this our "thing" and every Thursday will be make your own bento Thursday!!

Maybe we'll put up a linkie!!

Would you and your little bento eater participate?

30 January 2013

Lovin' for a BBF mama!

Hey y'all! :)

I just wanted to let everyone know about the AWESOME give away over at Bentos On The Bayou!

Seriously- hurry over there, because there isn't much time left to enter!!

Click HERE!

28 January 2013

Simple Little Monday

Good morning! I love Mondays. Most people don't, I know! I love it because we get to go back to our routine- bedtimes, lunch making, breakfasts with my adorable little Sophia after we shuttle Olivia off to school. I love a routine! I also love nap time for S while O is at school so I can concentrate on homework and business! Busy mamas, you know what I mean.

In today's lunch: 
Earthgrains berry bread heart sandwich with Sunbutter
Z-bar gummy rope
kashi crackers with pepperjack cubes
blueberries, strawberries and frozen grapes
All packed in one of our favorite containers: the Easy Lunchbox!

So, I would love to know, what is your favorite day of the week, and why? :) 

21 January 2013

Miss Piggy

Good Monday Morning!

I am looking forward to this week after an awesome weekend with my BFF and my husband! I love having company!

Today's bento is so cute, to me, because Sophia always asks me "Where ya-ya?"... and I say "Olivia's at school, honey!" So a couple of seconds later she says "Ya-ya school with Miss Piggy!" and I have NO idea why she thinks Miss Piggy is at school with Olivia?!

Hence the piggy lunch today!

A little piggy sunbutter sandwich made with my cutezcute cutter
flower cucumbers
laughing cow and pretzels

The vanilla chocolate chunk is Olivia's favorite yogurt flavor, so I think she will be super excited to find that as a treat in her lunchbox!

18 January 2013

i LOVE zak!

Zack Morris- is that what you're thinking?! Nah. Me, either. I was more of an A.C. Slayter kind of girl. Muscles, muscles, muscles!! hahaha :D

I am talking about my zak! nibble tray! I haven't used it in ages- what with all our moving around and most of my bento stash being packed up in a cardboard box. Well, bento is BACK, ZAK! in the Poirier household!

I made Sophia a little toddler bento- much to her delight! She has been saying "I want a pento-pock!" all day.. that's how she says bento box. I even have an adorable video, but we were in the car rider line and the background music is pretty silly. Maybe I'll post it another time!

In Sophia's Zak! tray:
wheat bread & sunbutter mini sandwiches made with FunBites
a sweet & spicy kale chip**
pepperjack slices
bran & sesame stix
black beans with cucumbers

I really, really love our Zak! tray. It was a gift from a very sweet lady I met on an online forum when I was pregnant with Sophia. She sent the sweetest message, about my lunch making abilities and how sweet she thought I was... and I will never, ever forget. Thank you, sweet Alison.

{{ I want to thank my amazing IRL friend Beth over at A Boy And His Lunch for my super fantastic blog re-design. My heart is with the ocean, and this nautical theme makes me soooo happy! She is also having a Go Green Lunchbox give away- you should enter! }}

**look for the kale chip recipe in my upcoming e-cookbook "Get Your Healthy Glow" :D

17 January 2013

Getting our green on

Today's lunch is pretty simple. Luckily, Olivia loves salad as much as I do, and she'll be so excited that she got a big ol' bunch of lettuce in her lunchbox. Ok... You caught me. It's not lettuce. It's spinach. And kale. You need those leafy greens!!

In the lunchbot we have:
•salad (kale, spinach, tomatoes, cheese cubes, black beans)
•tiny sunbutter and bread sandwiches with heart sprinkles
•scrabble cheese-it's
•black olives

Not pictured: horizon organic chocolate milk carton

In happiness & health,

Holistic Health Coach

16 January 2013

Monday Funday

Well, we are all moved in to our new place in Fort Smith! I haven't exactly worked out the lighting yet (its so dark in the mornings.... roll on winter, roll on!) so please excuse the sloppy photo!

In the lunchbot you'll find
hello! panda cookies
little tomatoes
and an adorable lunchbox love card!

06 January 2013

Lunchbox Love!

Hi, everyone! I have a surprise for you this week!!

Yes! A GIVE AWAY! :)

A wonderful company- Lunchbox Love- has given me some adorable lunch love notes to give away to a lucky reader! This was my first time to use these adorable little notes, and I LOVE THEM! I will definitely order some when these run out. Olivia loves reading them, too!

The cool thing is these aren't *just* for lunches. I used some of my Christmas ones to get creative with our elf, Layla. 

The winner will be announced on Sunday, January 13, by midnight. Check out the rafflecopter below to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway