
26 August 2016

Five On Friday

ahhhhh, the weekend! I love love love Fridays right now because I'm off on Fridays! It is so awesome to have an extra day in my weekend.. a day where the kids are at school and Andy's at work and I just kind of get to re-charge. Or do homework... which is what I will be doing today after I decide I've had enough coffee!

Linking up for Five on Friday with April & Christina

//ONE// Getting Involved. I've been so busy lately and I love it. Now that both girls are in school all day, and Olivia is old enough to do some babysitting, I've been able to get a little more involved in my community. I love our city, and there are so many incredible things happening here! I want to be a part of everything. I want to show my daughters that you can have it all. Home, career, community involvement, and fun. This stage of life has me floating!

//TWO// This B L O G. So stale. I kind of wish I was at wordpress. I just finished "designing" (I put that in quotes because it is the most basic of basic looking little blogs) a wordpress site for a class I was taking... and I just really like WP more than blogger at this time. I've made that hop before and ended up back here though, so who knows.

//THREE// Earlier this week I went to a ribbon cutting for a friend's new business, and got to spend some time with a few girls I really like but haven't had time to really get to know better. I had so much fun! After the ribbon cutting it was sushi and martinis, a huge group, and some incredibly kind gentleman at the bar paid for all of our food and drinks! Talk about a huge blessing. Every time someone comes here, they say "the people here are so friendly!" -- well, they're right. I LOVE MY CITY!

//FOUR// fall fashion. Oh man. I can't wait to go shopping. I can't wait for the weather to chill out (get it, chill!?)... I'm ready for long sleeves and scarves and boots and pink rosy cheeks. Seriously. Bye, summer! See you next year.

//FIVE// Rose Gold. Its almost time to tame the blonde mane and go for a warmer autumn hue. I can't really remember my natural color (JK, its brown. Brown brown brown). I'm going for a dark blonde with a rose gold ballyage for fall... unless I change my mind before my hair appointment. :) Whatever I end up doing, I know it will be gorgeous because my hair goddess Lisa hasn't failed me.. ever. I love her so much! When I count my blessings here in the Fort, she's in my top 5... she treats me like family and I'm so grateful to her for that.

Link up for Five on Friday HERE

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