
26 November 2019


authentic personality
It isn't 2020 yet, so this isn't a New Years Resolution, but this is a goal I'm setting for myself, from now until forever.

Speaking of 2020, lookout because it is going to be MY.YEAR.

So, maybe you noticed that the title of this post is kandigarten.
That is because since the last time I updated, I landed my dream job teaching KINDERGARTEN!! I cannot believe we are almost at the end of this semester! As a first year teacher, I can tell you that I am learning something new EVERY SINGLE DAY, and that I love it, that it is exhausting, and that it is absolutely the best thing I've ever done in my life besides being a mother. I have the most amazing (although sometimes very challenging) class and I just feel like... thank you. Thank you Universe, for hearing me, and putting me where I needed to be. I am excited to learn and grow as a person and as a teacher every single day.

I have to give a shout out to my friend Chris for calling it kandigarten. It is so genius, I'm like... maybe I'll change my blog name to kandigarten and my instagram handle to kandigarten!
On the for real though, my insta is my name and it is boring. I'm trying to think of something more... descriptive of me (but not my name?? ha!). 


Now that I am working full time (and not with my husband as my boss), I am in desperate need of organizational skills. Which... if you've known me a long time, you probably know those are skills that I lack. We are moving to a new place on Friday and my goal is to begin next week with a game plan for work, writing (I'm going to work on my book, y'all. and this blog), family nutrition, gym schedule, leaving work AT 3:30 Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday, use Monday/Thursday after school as extra prep time if needed, and making use of my health & fitness facebook group again. 

Part of my goal of showing up and being authentic is to allow myself to shine through in my writing.

embrace the glorious mess that you are

 Some of the things I want to write about are painful for me. Some of the things I want to put in my book... might show up in this space to test the reaction. Some relationships in my life have been very complicated but make me who I am today, even though I no longer have contact with the person from said relationship. Estrangement is hard on the heart and the soul and so is waiting around for an apology or for a person to change. There is a lot I need to express and I am finally ready to navigate the feelings that will surely surface while re-examining my old feelings and perspectives. 

There are really two books in me right now. One is about my life.. which I'm not famous or anything but I've been around and done a lot and experienced a lot of disfunction. Even if it never goes anywhere, I want to write it. The other is Andy's idea, and it is a fun little book about our side trips and how we make spontaneity work with two kids and sometimes super limited dollars. My goal is to have one book completed by this time next year.


Things I want to write about in this space:

↳ obviously, my family
↳ healthy lifestyle tips // food + exercise
↳ teacher things
↳ parenting things
↳ samples of my writing for my book(s)
↳ travel
↳ accountability in every aspect of my life
↳ things I love
↳ fashion + makeup (work appropriate + weekend)


Alrighty! I think that is it for today. I am going to get ready and take Sophia and her bestie lunch at school! Today is my kids' last day. I've been off all week for Thanksgiving and I have to say, I've needed the re-charge! Then I'm back to make green bean casserole for Olivia's cheer squad. Mine is THE BEST. The secret: replace half the cream of mushroom for cream of chicken. LOL 

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