
08 August 2012


Just in time for BACK TO SCHOOL!

Never heard of MOMables? That's cool, I hadn't either until my amazing Bento Blogger Friends introduced me. Now, I love it!

About MOMables:

I get weekly lunch menus, grocery lists, and photos of said lunches in my email!
The lunches take TEN MINUTES or less to make!
The ingredients are simple, wholesome, and kids love them.

Sounds like a win/win, right?! That's because it IS. I super love that the grocery list is included! Just click, download, print (or screen shot on your iphone, if you're like me!) and voila! You're ready to go!

Now YOU can have all this MOMables goodness delivered right to you... for free!

I'm giving away a 3 month subscription! Here's how you can win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I download and dump in my Dropbox, so I can access the files from my phone via the app!


Thanks for visiting!