
20 July 2013

Pizza Eggs

Raise your hand if you love pizza!! (great, I'll need to raise BOTH hands, and then I can't type!)

So yeah, I am a pizza FANATIC. Honestly, who isn't? My kids love pizza, too. Last week I made them mini pizzas and mini calzones out of biscuits. They loved them.

Sometimes we do breakfast for dinner, but I get bored with normal breakfast. And... I always want pizza. So, I got a little (and I mean.. a little) creative in the kitchen to mix up our Brinner.

The kids AND husband both loved these eggs. 
You'll need:
a muffin tin (I used a silicone muffin mold, shaped like half-eggs)
mozzarella or parmesan cheese

Preheat your oven to 350. Crack one egg per muffin hole on the tin (mine held 8). place a single pepperoni on the top of the egg, then sprinkle with a little bit of cheese. Bake about 10 minutes, or until eggs reach your desired "done."


  1. Yummy! Love pizza, will certainly have to try thesr

    1. I didn't even think of it when I was making this post but they're almost "paleo" haha :)


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